Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1 Mac Attack 1 - Activity 4: End-of-Day Reflection

I have done some icebreaker activities with my classmates today. I have done an activity called Mac Attack as well. Today I have also learnt about macs and the AUP. I also learnt some dances and cheers today. I chose SST because I thought being a pioneer would be pretty cool. I want to stand out from the rest and not be "some guy who just existed". I have grown a bit from the activities that were conducted today but I cannot find the Picasa thing(so sorry).

1 comment:

  1. Dear John,
    I hope you will be able to find it now. It is located in the right hand column of the class blog in photo album. Do keep up your good work in your learning and be someone extradinary.

